Purchase Google Chromecast HDMI Streaming Media Player
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Hey everyone, I just want to show you some uses for an old smartphone that you might have laying around somewhere. The phone is still very useful and can do many things even without a service provider. This phone I have right here does not currently have a carrier attached to it, but can still do a number of things, as long as I have the Wi-Fi available. The first great thing I can do is browse the web. It is always nice to have a portable web browser available. I can pretty much go to any website, do a Google search, whatever I wanna do. There is also an app available where I can make calls and texts just like a regular phone. I use an app called Mo+ and this app basically connects to a Google Talk account and it works just like a real phone but its over the internet, and Google will even give you a real number and everything. There's some limitations because I need the Wi-Fi available, but it doesn't cost $100 a month either, like a regular phone would. Another great thing I can do is play games. The Google Play store literally has thousands of games that I can choose from, many of which are free, and a lot of them you don't even need internet connection to play them once they're downloaded. I also have a Netflix app so I can watch Netflix videos, you could do Hulu Plus, YouTube, whatever and this phone actually has an HDMI port so I can hook it straight up to the TV. There is also something you can buy called a Chromecast dongle where you can stream videos directly to your TV from your phone, its like $35. I could download apps to listen to music like Pandora or iHeartRadio, a lot of local radio stations will have apps available to download, you can even download MP3s straight to your phone and listen to them. Another great feature for smartphones is camera app. Its always great to have a camera available when you're on the go. You never know when you're going to need it. Camcorder as well, it's all included. There's literally like a million apps available to download, some that you might you everyday like the Alarm clock, calendar, calculator, flashlight. A lot of apps that are great to have whenever you need them. So basically if you have an old phone laying around, its not worthless, and it can be handy for a lot of things. Yeah there's some limitations because you need Wi-Fi available but it is great to have. So don't throw your old phone away, it is still useful. Thanks everyone.